1954-1955 Vermilion Sailor Marching Band

Director – James Hoffman
President – Richard Greene
Secretary – Hannah Dickason
Treasurer – Ronnie Eppler
Student Director – Leslie Roberts
Assistant Student Director – Jean Saskely
Head Majorette – Nadine Miskow
Members: L. Roberts, K. Peterka, D. Kubishke, M. Hollosy, P. Reiber, J. Finnegan, L. Peck, J. Refiert, L. Widdowson, R. Boughton, C. Guthrie, J. Lowery, S. Malone, R. Eppler, R. Greene, M. Anastas, M. Hunter, C. Finnegan, Lynn Roberts, C. Ours, J. Goolsby, D. Dickerhoff, D. Hall, B. Brumback, K. Buell, C. Widdowson, P. Thayer, B. Ruseel, P. Noltner, J. Hoffman, H. Dickason, C. Gregg, C. Kyle, K. Hollosy, S. Yeamans, D. Hurd, J. Seekley, M. Havrulle, P. Jackson, A. Hassenflue, J. Lindsay, D. Stark, J. Kropf, B. Ennis, E. Todd, J. Wiseman, E. Shook, M. David, B. Wright, N. Miskow
Image Gallery:
Front Row – Left to Right: Barbara Wright, Elizabeth Shook, Peggy David, Evelyn Todd, Jeanette Wiseman
Second Row – Left to Right: Nadine Miskow
Vermilion Band
From the beginning of the football season until the last Senior marches out the door at commencement, the band is on hand for every school activity. Formation and precision marches were developed for nearly all home football games. Students grades 9-12 made up the personnel of the basketball band which was organized to play for home basketball games and cheer rallies.
At the end of the football season, officers were elected as follows: Richard Greene, president; Hannah Dickason, secretary; Ronnie Eppler, treasurer; Leslie Roberts, student director; Jean Saskely, assistant student director. A Band Council was formed with three representatives from each class.
Competition was keen for the Lakeland Conference Concert Bands. The outstanding musicians from all the conference schools were chosen for “A” and “B” bands. On March 11, these students went to Clearview for an afternoon rehearsal. Following the rehearsal, band members enjoyed a period of recreation and a dinner hour, after which they rehearsed again for the concert presented to the public. S. Robert Fraser of Cleveland was the guest conductor.
The VHS Band presented their spring concert on May 6, with Mr. J. L. Hoffman, instrumental music director, in charge. Right now they are preparing to march in the Memorial Day Parade.

Vermilion Bands – Vermilion Sailor Marching Bands – 1950-1959 Vermilion Sailor Marching Bands