1961-1962 Vermilion Sailor Marching Band
Director: William Burt
Head Majorette: Jacqueline Toth
Members: S. Rathbun, J. Gorbach, W. Washburn, M. Harrison, J. Greene, A. Harris, D. Switzer, J. Toth, M. Prindle, D. May, M. Wintersteller, K. Fisher, J. Konnerth, L. Hollosy, K. Clifford, A. Ollis, J. Popovich, C. Wenzel, D. Dropko, L. Linder, N. Mrosk, L. DeLong, N. Schmidt, S. Watson, P. Syfert, J. Nedro, L. Horvat, N. Hoffman, D. Reiber, R. Bard, M. Rognon, R. Bauman, C. Crozier, C. Trinter, J. Hite, C. Radde, C. Schmidt, D. McCallough, D. Buell, S. Evenson, D. Horvat, K. Amsbaugh, D. Smith, T. Rognon, P. Ayers, N. Welker, M. Williams, C. Hall, N. Edmondson, J. Jeffery, N. Ludlow, A. Schroeder, K. Robinson, M. Repick, P. Parsons, C. Beiner, B. Young, L. Kubishke, K. Dickason, S. Hite, B. Kay, S. Ellison, K. Kubishke, R. Kovacs, S. Armstrong, R. Risden, C. Kemmerer, M. Bodde, B. Dellefield, K. Risden, V. Neale, B. Idol, B. Clark, G. Feiszli, D. Prieur
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Marching Band
“Ladies and Gentlemen, the Vermilion Sailor Marching Band,” and with a fanfare of trumpets and roll of drums, the snappy Sailor bandsmen moved onto the football field for their opening performance and raising of the colors.
Nine times the Sailors performed during the football season, and their routines brought them much acclaim. In addition, they presented a half-time show at the Cleveland Browns-Detroit Lions football game in Cleveland; traveled to the Oberlin for the Oberlin-Ohio Wesleyan game, and performed in the Massillon parade of bands for the second year, and were invited to participate in the Wellington Band Festival.
Finally, after the Firelands football game, the “weary marchers” put away their marching music until spring, and began on their concert programs.
It was a great year for the Sailor Marching Band and their director, Mr. William Burt.

Vermilion Bands – Vermilion Sailor Marching Bands – 1960-1969 Vermilion Sailor Marching Bands