1962-1963 Vermilion Sailor Marching Band
Director: William Burt
Head Majorette: Linda Harrison
Members: J. Greene, D. Moeller, W. Washburn, A. Tatum, L. Harrison, P. Thornton, A. Harris, D. Switzer, C. Wharton, L. Havrilla, B. Houff, C. Crozier, R. Bauman, C. Trinter, C. Parsons, N. Schmidt, S. Estes, S. Akers, J. May, S. Evenson, J. Nedro, L. DeLong, M. Rognon, M. Prindle, N. Ludlow, J. Bell, A. Hollosy, D. Walker, A. Yurovich, N. Thoms, C. Yurovich, D. Wolford, D. Reiber, J. Yeamans, L. Linder, C. Wenzel, T. Rognon, D. Horvat, B. Bard, C. Schmidt, D. Buell, C. Radde, D. Hoff, D. McCullough, M. Berk, S. Hite, M. Williams, N. Edmondson, M. Wintersteller, P. Creel, S. Schroeder, D. Smith, J. Hostler, R. Ries, C. Hall, S. Ellison, P. Ayars, K. Robinson, L. Lenhart, L. Hollosy, K. Fisher, M. Repic, J. Idol, L. Kubishke, B. Young, J. Horton, K. Dickason, P. Parsons, R. Clark, B. Moes, C. Beiner, N. Malone, M. WIll, J. Jeffery, J. Konnerth, D. Prieur, C. Kemmerer, R. Ridson, V. Neal, R. Bellefield, K. Risdon, R. Kay, D. Dropko, S. Armstrong, M. Bodde, W. Clark, G. Feiszli, R. Kovacs, B. Stafford
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Marching Band
The Sailor Marching Band began practice at the same time the football squad did, and accompanied the Sailors to every away game all year, winding up “in the mud, in the mud, Rah, Rah, Rah,” at Huron.
Different shows were prepared for each of the home games, and although the inclement weather washed out the Homecoming festivities, the band played on.
No special trips were made this year, but with a full schedule of ten football games, the band members were glad to see the outdoor drills come to an end. Following this they were guests of the Band Boosters at a special dinner at the Valley View School, and then put away their uniforms and took out their concert music.
Mr. William Burt is the bandmaster.

Vermilion Bands – Vermilion Sailor Marching Bands – 1960-1969 Vermilion Sailor Marching Bands