1965-1966 Vermilion Sailor Marching Band
Director: William Burt
Head Majorette: Carol Wharton
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Left to Right: Martha Idol, Jean Pratt, Linda Villa, Sue Fultz, Carol Wharton, Jana Hostler, Gail WadaBaugh, Ava Wise, Lyn Pierce

Vermilion Campaign Over The Top
Vermilion – The annual subscription drive sponsored by the Vermilion Music Boosters “went over the top” according to Mrs J. A. Berk, Jr., general chairman.
The original goal of $4300 gross sales has been surpassed by that $100, and some results are still coming in, so the final figures are still not available.
The list of top salesmen, all of whom received transistor radios, includes: Keith Siebery, high school band; Patricia Cassidy, varsity choir; Mike Liston, 9th grade band; Terry Malone, 9th grade choir; and Christine Berk, 6th grade band.
Salesmen receiving dolls for sales of Saturday Evening Post are: Linda Will, Trudy Trischer, Carol Zickefoose, Kris Burt, Cathy Bachman, Kathy Gossett, Randy Rust, Ruth Puckett, Ann Yurovich (2), Stuary Naegele, Dolly Reiber, Gayle Cipra, Marie Agen.
Also Carol Wargo, Dennis Sennhenn, Keith Siebert, Christine Berk, Debbie Wakefield, Karen Hasenflue, Pat Kinkley, Ivana Zalar, Shery Heberling, Alice Risdon, Vicki Cashell, Gayle Kishman, Pam Grob, and Charlotte Parsons.
In addition to the many subscriptions, the boosters received a number of cash donations and wish to express their appreciation to everyone who supported the drive, Mrs. Berk said.
Proceeds from the annual subscription sale are used to purchase uniforms, choir robes, other equipment, and provide treats for band members

Music Boosters
The annual Lakeland Conference Choir Festival will be held Saturday, November 13, 8:00 PM at the Vermilion High School. Choirs from Wellington, Clearview, Huron, and Vermilion High Schools will be participating. Each choir will present a fifteen minute program and then a combined chorus of all schools will present one number under the direction of each school director. The combined selections are” “O, Lord, Ruler of All Nations” by Tschaikovsky; “Praise Be To The” by Talestrina; “Soon I Will Be Done” by William Dawson”; and ” No Man is an Island,” arranged by Roy Ringwald.
The choir festival is open to the public free of charge.

Boosters Recognize Marchers
Vermilion – Senior members of the Vermilion High School Sailor Marching Band were singled out for special recognition at the annual Music Boosters dinner held at the high school recently.
The seniors are: Sherry Akers, Mary Margaret Berk, Robert Clark, Patty Creel, Sherry Estes, Sue Fillmore, Lucy Havrilla, Jana Hostler, Joyce Idol, and Linda Lenhart.
Charlotte Parsons, Lynne Piece, Roberta Ries, Sharon Schroeder, Nancy Thomas, Linda Villa, Dan Walker, Carold Wharton, Marcia WIll, David Woldford, Jack Yeamans, Ann and Carol Yurovich.
Music Boosters president Mrs. Andrew Dropko, presented the school with sound equipment which consisted of a quality amplifier, record changer, speaker system, and facilities for tape recording. The equipment cost was approximately $1000. It was purchased with the proceeds of the Music Boosters one money-making project, their annual magazine subscription drive which this year netted them $1,789.94.
Music Boosters, which has been expanded to include the parents and friends of the students taking vocal music, has for its primary purpose the providing of funds for the music department in the area which can not be provided by the board of education, such as band and choir uniforms, and refreshments for band and visiting bands at home games.
The Music Boosts provide the annual dinner for members of the marching band….

Winter Concert a Success
February 3 marked another successful winter concert for the Music Department of Vermilion High School. The Freshman Band played five “Sailor” marches, and a very fittingly dedicated program to Vermilion’s past great marching bands. The Freshmen – Sophomore Choir followed and highlighted their program with “Till There Was You” and Tschaikowsky’s “O Lord, Ruler of All Nations”.
The popular “Sound of Music” was presented by the Varsity Choid as was “Elijah Rock”. They also presented a combined number with the Freshman-Sophomore Choir.
The Varsity Concert Band presented the last hour of the program with selections ranging from “The Nutcracker Suite” to Mancini. Of course, Mr. William Burt directed the entire concert and is now working to make the Spring Concert as much of a success.

Spring Band Concert
During the evening of June 3 in the VHS gymnasium the Vermilion High School Concert Band will present its annual spring concert. The senior bandsmen will be honored at that time, and the presentation of the Arion and Sous awards will be made. Mr. Burt will also announce the names of those students who will be sponsored to attend music camps at Ohio University this Summer.
Seniors highlighting the program will be a trombone trio of Joyce Idol, Lucy Havrilla, Susan Bachman; and a cornet trio of Bucky Clack, Dan Walker, and Sharon Schroeder.

Vermilion Bands – Vermilion Sailor Marching Bands – 1960-1969 Vermilion Sailor Marching Bands