1978-1979 Vermilion Sailor Marching Band
Director: William Burt
Head Majorette: Judy Clark

Image Galleries:
- 1978-1979 Vermilion Sailor Marching Band
- 1979 Vermilion High School Yearbook
- 1979 Vermilion High School – Annie Get Your Gun

“We do it at halftime”, “Nobody’s Perfect Except Squad 1”, and “Drummers do it with rhythm”. What does it all mean?
These are just a small sample of messages displayed on squad t-shirts worn by the marching band members. Each squad made up its own slogans and had it printed on its own color t-shirt.
T-shirts were not the only practices begun this year. Band letters were given out to all members who had been in Marching Band for at least two years. First-year members were given a certificate that could be used to purchase and jacket or sweater Band members felt that one deserved recognition for “doing it” on the field at halftime. The practice of giving letters to band members started many years ago, but along the way, it had been dropped and this year was the first since the fifties.

After 24 Years Band Director Willie B. Retires
When Mr. Burt came to VHS some 24 years ago, the music program was extremely small. The marching band was the smallest of all the bands. Many doubted that it would be possible to make the band grow larger. But Mr. Burt worked had and today the marching band has 100 members. There is also is pep band, pit orchestra and three concert bands in the high school
The marching band works extremely hard. They perform at every football game. They also host a band festival and travel to other band festivals. The music department has come a long way in the past 24 years, thanks to “Willie B.”
After retiring, Mr. Burt has no intent to face out of the picture; he will be working at Driscol’s repairing instruments.

Vermilion Bands – Vermilion Sailor Marching Bands – 1970-1979 Vermilion Sailor Marching Bands