1983-1984 Vermilion Sailor Marching Band
Director: David Henry
Head Majorette: Julie Goff

Image Galleries:
- 1983-1984 Vermilion Sailor Marching Band
- 1984 Vermilion High School Yearbook
- 1984 Vermilion High School – Fiddler on the Roof
- 1984 Sailorway Middle School Yearbook

Marching with Pride
Beginning in the heated months of summer until the freezing days of winter, the Sailor Marching Band shows its determination and support as they progress through the year. The band, made up of 97 members, is directed by Mr. David Henry and assistant directors John Murphy and Joseph Price. A month of rehearsals in August and continuous practices from September to November prepare for 10 Sailor football games (both home and away), four festivals including their home festival, and the Woolybear Festival, and an Oberlin Halftime.
Although some may say being in marching band is a waste of time and effort, this can be proven wrong by asking any of the loyal members. Maybe members build up a feeling of self-confidence because each member must pull his own weight. Or maybe it’s the emotion involved behind the loyalty to their school and team. Whatever it is, the Sailor Marching Band strives on to perfection through hard work accomplished by both sweat and fun.

Vermilion Bands – Vermilion Sailor Marching Bands – 1980-1989 Vermilion Sailor Marching Bands