1988-1989 Vermilion Sailor Marching Band

Director: David Henry
Head Majorette: Debbie Holtcamp

Image Galleries:
- 1988-1989 Vermilion Sailor Marching Band
- 1989 Vermilion High School Yearbook
- 1989 Vermilion High School – Do Patent Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up
Video Playlists

Sailors March to Victory by Jenny Martin
The Sailor Marching Band’s long-time reputation of excellence preceded the band itself again this year. The band was invited to several new festivals and band shows, while also making some repeat appearances. Among the ones attended for the first time were the Parma and Midpark band festivals, and the first annual Holmes Count Antique Festival Band Show. The Sailors returned to perform at the Sandusky band festival as well as Vermilion’s own Woolybear Festival band show. The band marched in three parades. As the featured band in the TV8 Cleveland Christmas Parade, it made an appearance on regional television. The honor of being the featured band was earned last year by taking first place. This year it took second. There was also a return trip to Millersburg, home of the Holmes County Antique Festival Parade. And, of course, there was the annual Vermilion Woolybear Festival Parade.
This season of excellence was brought to a close at the annual marching band banquet. First-year marchers with presented with certificates, second-year marchers with varsity band letters, third-year marchers with pins for their letters, and fourth-year marchers were given special awards. The band officers were recognized. Freshman representative was Jeff Luther, sophomore representative was Fran Tansey, junior representative was Mark Sexton, and senior representative was Diana Meyer. Band president was Lise Valacheck, and secretary/treasurer was Tina Dickel. Voted as outstanding band members were Lisa Valacheck, Tina Dickel, and Diana Meyer.

Vermilion Bands – Vermilion Sailor Marching Bands – 1980-1989 Vermilion Sailor Marching Bands