1991-1992 Vermilion Sailor Marching Band

Director: David Henry
Head Majorette: Melanie Freidman

Image Galleries:
- 1991-1992 Vermilion Sailor Marching Band
- 1992 Vermilion High School Yearbook
- 1992 Vermilion High School – Oklahoma
Video Playlists:

Marching to the Beat
Football games, festivals, and parades gave the marching band a busy and exciting year. Beginning the last week of July up to Thanksgiving, the band practiced after school and Tuesday and Thursday evenings to perfect their performance of an ever-changing repertoire of songs.
At football games, home and away, the band boosted school spirit. One of the highlights came at the last game during the senior show. As the band played “Phantom of the Opera,” Kim Luther flitted around in ghostly attire and tried to escape the pursuing majorettes. Other memorable sons included “The Rose”, “At the Hop,”, and “Conga.”
Festivals ate up the fall weekends. Vermilion hosted their own festival on September 28. The band also performed at Stow on September 7. Dover on September 14. Ada on September 21. Lakewood on October 5. Edison on October 12, and Oberlin College on October 26.
Parades provided a change of routine. The band marched in the Vermilion Woolybear Parad on September 29 and the Memorial Day parade in May. They joined the TV8 Annual Christmas Parade in Cleveland on November 30 during Thanksgiving weekend. They also marched at Cedar Point in the spring.
Performances and practices brought members into close friendships and gave them many memories of good times at VHS.

Vermilion Bands – Vermilion Sailor Marching Bands – 1990-1999 Vermilion Sailor Marching Band